
Final Final


So my little journey is coming to a close, I have not been reporting very much since I have not been doing very much. Not doing very much is what I do when I am in Kona

Paul and I did make a trip to Old Airport Beach which, as name implies, is where the old airport use to be. It is also the location of the nicest beach I have seen on the Big Island; I think the locals keep it a secret. I am not sure you would want to swim at this beach but it is long and there are numerous tide pools to go explore. Also there is a very large lawn and tree area with picnic tables in place.


On New Year’s Eve I turned in my car and so it was back to getting around by Shank’s Mare, whatever that means. While the car was useful I found that not having one to deal with a relief.

I did have too many cocktails at Rosa’s on New Year’s Eve. Lea not only gave me the local price she made them strong enough to make me start speaking Hawaiian. By ten O’clock I was in bed. If it wasn’t for phone calls from the mainland I would have gotten to sleep early. I managed anyway.

I could not workout on New Year’s Day because the gym was closed so I spent a quiet day watching football. Actually the remainder of my time here was spent working my way through the last of the NFL season and most of the NCAA bowl games.

Somewhere in there Paul returned to the mainland and I had my castle all to myself. I kept busy drinking up the last of the beer and then had to go to Humpy’s to get more by the glass.

This is Wednesday my last day and I am cleaning up the place and getting ready to leave in the morning. It has been a great vacation here. It is not in my nature to stay in one place for very long these days but this place seems to calm me. I could stay here a lot longer but I have people to see, mostly doctors, and things to do. Well not really all that much to do. In any case it will be good to get home to Wrinkle Ranch and pick up my life there.

Thanks for reading. Next year I am thinking Key West for about a month. Let me know if you have a better idea or if you want to come along.



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